Create Website Wealth
Practical Advice on How to Build a Website for Amazing Residual Income
Welcome to Create Website Wealth. I'm here to help you discover how to build a website while leveraging your talents to build residual income online.
The 5 Easy Steps to Build A Website
Have you lost your job or maybe you're just looking for a new job? Regardless of the reason you are here, creating a website is a great way to start producing a residual income in these uncertain times.
Now if you're here because you are looking for a get rich quick scam, you're at the wrong place. There are so many work from home scams online now it's disgusting. They only exist to take advantage of someone that needs money.
This is not one of those get rich quick scams. You're here to discover how to leverage your hobbies and talents to generate an income.
Not just an income, but someone looking to work hard to build a website with multiple residual income streams.
Define Residual Income:
- Passive income that is received on a regular basis, with little effort to maintain the income stream.
What so many people are not aware of is that it's not hard to build a website if you have the right tools and mindset. All it takes is a little hard work and determination to create a residual income website.
I'm not going to waste any more time talking about money. Let's dig right into how you build a website and turn it into a successful business.
Before You Build A Website, you have some decisions to make.
Your Keyword Search Strategy
- What should your website be about? What will the content focus on?
- Do you love photography? Build a photography website.
- Do you love to make crafts? Build a craft website.
- Pick a website theme that you know a lot about or are an expert in. You have to be passionate about what you're doing or it will become just another job that you're tired of. You'll eventually quit and take down your site always wondering what could have been.
- There are thousands if not millions of websites with the same information. To have a successful website, it must have original and new content, provide an in-demand service, sell unique items. The bottom line is that you have to stand out from the crowd.
- This is all the more reason you must write what you are passionate about. If you pick a subject you know nothing about, you aren't able to provide anything unique that someone else hasn't already provided.
Now the big question is, could I make money from my website?
Selecting a profitable topic for your website
- Take your time in this area and do a lot of research. There's nothing more discouraging than spending hours and hours on a website only to receive no visitors.
- It's the law of supply and demand. Start with the search engines and find out if your topic is in demand and if so, are there lots of competition? What are you up against in order to win the traffic?
- If you're great idea involves selling merchandise online and this is your first stab at it, you need to plan out how you will generate traffic. Without traffic, you don't have a chance on making any money. This will be your biggest, most discouraging mistake - forgetting that you must have traffic first.
- The same rules that would apply if you owned a storefront also apply to your website. Your product must be high quality and geared toward a targeted audience. If you have a website selling clothes for babies, you're content shouldn't be about fishing poles.
- Before putting up an online store, you should build a quality content site that drives traffic to your store.
What does content have to do with generating traffic?
Having great content has everything to do with traffic.
- Unless you plan on spending a small fortune in marketing, the search engines are your only other form of generating traffic - and best of all search engine traffic is free.
- Search engines love great content with crisp, clean layouts and that load quickly. For example, you want to build an online store selling craft supplies. If you build the store first, you have zero traffic unless you pay to start advertising. If you first build a unique website with quality content that starts to rank in the search engines, you use that site to route traffic to your craft supply store.
- The only free way to generate traffic to a website is to first build quality content. That's your ticket, build quality, unique, sought after content.
Keyword Research
Again, before you build a website and decide on the theme, think about some keywords that would be associated with the site. For instance if your content will be about making crafts, use the Google Adwords Tool to research the supply and demand of your chosen keywords.
Again, let's suppose you are build a craft website. As of this writing, there are 33,100 Global Monthly Searches for the keyword "making crafts" and the competition is low.
- Find other keywords that are related to your website theme. One such example would be "make crafts" and there are 201,000 Global Monthly Searches for this keyword with low competition.
- If you choose to host your site with Site Build It, their all-inclusive package comes with the most powerful keyword research and brainstorming tools on the market today. Their tools are revolutionary when it comes to helping you chose a profitable niche and the keywords associated with that niche. Best of All......Their package also includes easy-to-use software to build a website.
Now that you've looked at some keywords and thought about the theme you'll be focusing on, you've mastered the first steps in learning to build a profitable business website.
Let's take your great idea and build a profitable business website and an opportunity for residual income.
One thing I need to reiterate before you build a website:
- Don't let making money become your number one goal. You need customers (traffic) and your customers must learn to trust you first.
- Let's suppose you are at a car lot and no one wants to talk to you about what you need, they just want to sell you something whether it meets your needs or not. This is an immediate turn off. The same is true on the web. You must build quality, unique content that meets the needs of your audience to build their trust.
- Only after building a visitor's trust will they be willing to buy a product from you.
Build great content and the traffic will come.
To sum it up, you should be passionate about your website topic and be ready and willing to put in the time to generate quality content that will attract and keep visitors.
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- Create Website Wealth
- Learn how to build a website while leveraging your talents to make extra money.
- Find Your Profit Niche
- The first step to find your profit niche is doing your keyword research. There are millions of websites with thousands of them in competition for the same keywords.
- Choosing Keywords
- Choosing keywords for your website carefully will be a critical step in planning to build a website.
- Choose a Web Host
- Before you choose a web host, evaluate and decide what the needs of your new website are.
- Planning and Organizing
- Planning and organizing web content will be one of your first significant steps to build a website.
- Monetize Your Website
- Discover how and when you should monetize your website. You should have at least 30 pages of excellent website content prior to beginning the process.
- What Is Social Media
- What is Social Media? Social Media is a tool or tools used to build relationships among a group of people with similar interest to share information.
- Contribute to Build A Website
- Would you like to share your knowledge about build a website? Great, find out how you can submit your story or tip here.
- Contribute to Build A Website1
- Would you like to share your knowledge about build a website? Great, find out how you can submit your story or tip here.

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