What Type of Website to Build?
How can I figure out what type of website to build? What are some of the best money making website ideas? I want to build a popular website with a sizable residual income.
Welcome to the first round of decisions you'll make while learning to build a website. Learn how to make solid decisions based on search data from all over the web.
Let's walk through the process of coming up with ideas for a website topic.
- Think about it, you have a hobby or a talent that you are very gifted at. What is it? Is it something you could write about?
- Do some extensive research here and put some thought into it. Whether you realize it or not, you have a talent you could leverage to build a profitable business website.
- Quite often, people make the mistake of banging their head to find website ideas that make money. This is big mistake. If it's not something you have passion about, it will get old real quick and you'll never get to the making money part. You'll quit first.
- The topic of your website is the first critical decision you're going to make. Learning how to build a website involves a lot more than programming and hosting.
- To be successful, you have to realize that the content of your website is the root of your success.
- If the topic of your website is not something you love, you won't succeed.
- You'll get bored, quit and always wonder if you could have had a website that generates money?
Being passionate about what you do allows you to turn words into website traffic and high conversion traffic equals money in your pocket.
Factors to Determine What Type of Website to Build
The Topic Must Be In Demand
- A number of people should be searching for information about your topic. If the topic is too narrow, you may get all the traffic but that small amount of traffic won't be enough to sustain you.
Must Not be "Broad"
- I'll provide you with an example on this one. If one of your ideas for a website topic is "cars", it will take you years to win the niche. Narrowing down that niche to "antique cars" or "antique red corvettes" gives you an opportunity to focus on a particular type of car.
- You now have more of a theme based website which means you get targeted website traffic.
Must be a Profitable Topic
- If you choose a profitable website topic, it provides an opportunity for you to start developing a residual income from your website. Like I said earlier, don't solely focus on making money (although it does need to be part of the equation), just don't let it be the #1 reason you pick a topic for your website.
- When choosing your website topic, think about how much time you have to work on it.
- If you have a day job, I wouldn't advise you to pick a highly competitive topic for your website.
- The more competition you have, the longer it takes to "win" the niche.
- If you don't have a lot of time to put into it, it could become discouraging when there's so much competition out there.
The One Stop Solution when Determining What Type of Website To Build - Site Build It!
The Site Concept Finder
- Site Build It has a "one of a kind" site concept finder to help you make a decision deciding what type of Website to Build.
- Give it some time and thought and write down ideas for your website concept.
- Pick the top 3 topics and let Site Build It provide you all the data to make an informed decision about your website topic.
- The Brainstorm It research tool is second to none at giving you great ideas for a website topic.
- The keyword tool also produces a master keyword list to give you ideas for content and demand in your chosen niche.
- Site Build It will do all the data analysis for you.
- If you want to build a profitable business website, Site Build It is for you.
There's no reason not to give it a try, it's absolutely free for 90 days. After using Site Build It's tools, you'll know what type of website to build. It'll be one that you love and one that makes you money.
In summary, it's going to take you the same amount of time to build a high traffic website that is successful as it will to build a website with no traffic.
It's all in your planning. Taking the time now, could make you a residual income millionaire later.
Dreams are possible if you're willing to work at it.
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