The 5 Steps to Build a Website
There are 5 basic steps to build a website. Regardless of your experience, it's something that you can do with no programming experience whatsoever.
I want to outline those steps here in summary so you realize how easy it is to build a profitable business website and earn money in your spare time.
Before you build a website, you'll need to find a profitable niche you are passionate about.
Keyword research will be a significant part of each one of the steps to build a website. If you utilize the information I have on this website, success is on it's way. You'll dominate your niche in no time.
Must Read: Why I Chose Site Build It for My Website
Find Your Profit Niche
- To find your profit niche, you'll research keywords that will be used in your website content.
- Next will be a niche keyword competition analysis. This analysis will tell you about the niche site competition in your space.
- You'll be competing with these sites for the top ten search engine ranking. That's why it's so important to evaluate what you're up against before you get started.
Read More about How to Find Your Profit Niche and Your Keyword Search Strategy
How will you Monetize the Website?
- Research to ensure there are plenty of affiliate marketing opportunities to monetize your website.
- The goal is to turn words (your content) into website traffic.
- Your unique content should promote an affiliate product (or products) which in turn means you are now making money online from home.
Affiliate Marketing Networks:
Monetize your website with AdSense
- Google AdSense offers a way to monetize website traffic for third-party sites (like this one) to run their successful ads on your website. You submit your site to Google for review and after approval, they provide you with AdSense HTML ad code to integrate with your site.
- Google AdSense ads match the content of your page and will pay you per click for each ad clicked. You must read Google's Terms of Service prior to implementing AdSense on your site. A violation will get you banned real quick and based on rumors, it's not easy (nearly impossible) to get back into the program.
Register a Domain
Now that you've found a profit niche, you'll use your keyword ideas to choose a winning domain name.
What's a domain name worth?
Your domain name is your brand, your logo, it's what you'll sell. It's one of the crucial steps to build a website. Here are some rules you want to follow when choosing a domain name:
- There's no prize for the longest domain name, keep it short and simple
- Stay away from numbers and dashes
- Make it something people can remember
- Use the .com extension
- Avoid Copyright Infringement
Domain Hosting
- Trust me, I get it. Money is tight these days but when it comes to website hosting, don't go with free website hosting or you'll pay dearly for it later.
- If you don't pay for hosting, you don't own your website and it could be shut down at any moment and stay down for days (or indefinitely).
- There are too many affordable website hosting options available for you to go with a free website hosting company.
- The risk is too great. Your visitors depend on your website up time and nothing would be worse than to have your website shut down and you have to start over from scratch.
Creating Content
- Hone your skills in effective website content writing.
- If you have a theme based content website, your content should address any question a visitor might have about that topic.
- Focus your efforts on building a content rich website to satisfy the searches of your visitors first, the rest will come later.
- Don't make the mistake of focusing only on making money.
- If you do, you'll engineer your content exactly backwards to what it should be and not even realize it. You'll be writing a sales pitch and there's not a bigger turn off if a user is searching for an answer. They see through it before finishing the first paragraph.
- Turn words into website traffic, pre-sell to your visitors first, then the sell will come. Always write to pre-sell first, then write to sell.
If you're in need of some tips and tricks on effective website content writing, download my free e-book below.
It's packed full of useful information to teach you how to turn words into website traffic, pre-selling your visitors to gain their confidence and learning when to monetize website traffic.
In summary, it's easy to build a website if you'll follow the steps I've outlined here. By following the 5 steps to build a website, you'll find yourself living your dream while creating an amazing residual income to sustain you for a lifetime.
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